My Life Packet binder – shipped directly to you, with a bonus Moleskin pocket notebook!
$50 (shipping included)
What’s included:
- Three-ring binder for organizing your documents
- 121 pages, including over 60 pages of worksheets to fill in your personal information
- Ten tab-separated sections to keep you organized
- Over 50 pre-printed folder labels
- Official “Five Wishes” Document (a $5 value), accepted in most U.S. states
- Free Moleskin pocket notebook!

E-Book - After the Funeral: A Practical Memoir for Administering Your Loved One's Estate
$3 (digital download)
After the Funeral: A Practical Memoir for Administering Your Loved One's Estate (published 2019) is a short and sassy look at estate administration, through the eyes of one who has lived it and who now makes a living from helping others successfully resolve their loved one's estate. Use this surprisingly light-hearted guide to learn the steps to identify and claim all of your loved one's assets. Note that this is the full ebook, complete with illustrations. A print copy of this book -- or the audiobook -- can be ordered through Amazon, above.

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